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Image by JC Gellidon

What on Earth is

"being an earthling"?

We are on this planet briefly, and as "visitors" here, I like to believe that this "life on earth" is a journey or a trip we are on. Now, what do we do when we travel? Don't we look for the best a place has to offer? And often in appreciation, are inspired to create, using our respective dominant creativity (whatever the form). 

This act of being a "traveler", experiencing this trip on earth, and getting inspired to create, mostly in appreciation and wonder, is what I refer to as "being an EARTHLING" -


Or in other words, our time on earth inspires the "Creator" in us. 


This is a space for such "inspired creation" by creative earthlings for the purpose of appreciation and awareness to add meaning to our life experience. 

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Bringing the "focus back to nature" via poetry

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visitor on earth,
writing about it

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Find stories, conversations and poetry of earthlings enkindling the "Creator" in them at the "being an earthling" Podcast Videos and more on our YouTube channel.

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Image by Adam Azim

In this earth of variety, you long to find the taste of heavens;

Seek what every nook has to offer;

To even be lost in pursuit;

Dreaming infinite dreams through a finite consciousness;

Legions to experience, reality, the only setback;

And Darling, I ain't stopping you;

Flow in sync with your soul's content;

But if ever though, you feel satiated;


Take a moment -


Find the pulse of the same heavens, coursing through you;

Like a river, the mountains, constellations, and sunsets;

This "feeling" breathing;

Aligned, within:

And all you had to do was "be":

Being human enough to feel, Earthling.

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