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Avilasha Sarmah | storytellerearthling
Jul 13, 20232 min read
Writing to Address the Elephant in the Room | Podcast
Why "addressing the elephant in the room" caters to everybody, irrespective, because "Pain is Universal".

Poetry Earthlings
Jul 6, 20232 min read
The Poetry of a Real-Life Phoenix rising: the return of a Bird
The Poem takes us through a bird's journey to rise and homecoming but with a word of caution to continue with the conservation efforts...

Avilasha Sarmah | storytellerearthling
Jul 26, 20221 min read
Can Poetry Really Save the World? Two Poets Muse
Podcast Episode #1 where two female Poets from India reflect upon what it is like to "being a Poet" being an earthling - The Podcast: If...
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